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Convegni e Seminari patrocinati dalla SIE

La SIE patrocina convegni e seminari di alto valore scientifico in ambito economico

Si ricorda che il Patrocinio SIE viene concesso ad iniziative di indiscusso valore scientifico; l’organizzazione della singola iniziativa deve garantire la visibilità del logo SIE nei materiali di promozione (cartacei e online); deve ricordare che i saggi presentati possono essere inviati al Italian Economic Journal (ItEJ) dove verranno valutati secondo le usuali procedure di doppio referaggio. La SIE non concede il patrocinio a iniziative che  non garantiscano adeguatamente il rispetto della parità di genere.


2° International Conference: Renaissance in Economics. Manifesto for New Economy

Firenze - June 5-6, 2025


Convegno "L'insegnamento di Augusto Graziani tra teoria e politica economica. A dieci anni dalla scomparsa"

Benevento - May 9-10, 2024


International Conference: Manifesto and Research Frontiers for a Renaissance in Economics

Perugia - June 20-21, 2024



Ancona - September 14-15, 2023


International Conference: Financial Fragility and Financial Education of Households and Firms

Urbino - June 8-9, 2023


Rethinking Clusters: Crisis and Path Renewal of Places in Time of Uncertainty

Osaka Metropolitan University - September 5-7 , 2022


International Conference: Jobs, Innovation and Rural Value Chains in the Context of Climate Transition: Bridging the Gap between Research and Policy

Rome - June 22-24, 2022


Progetto "Proviamo a far gli economisti"

promosso dal Corso di Laurea in Economia e Commercio dell'Università di Chieti-Pescara


Workshop "The Shifts and the Shocks: Education and Firms in Times of Adversity"

Trento - December 20-21, 2021


Rethinking Clusters: Sustainable and Technological Transitions in a Network Society

Firenze - September 22-23, 2021


5th European Conference on Social Networks EUSN 2021

Napoli - September 7-10, 2021


Forum CNEL - The New European Industrial Strategy after the Great Financial Crisis and the Covid Crisis Oriented to the New Citizens Needs and the Territory

Forum online - February 4, 2021

Bayes By the Sea -Rationality and Strategic Interaction in the Science

Ancona - July 24-25, 2020


Rethinking Culture and Creativity in the Technological Era

Firenze - February 20-21, 2020

Workshop "New Developments in Economic Dynamics"

Urbino - November 5, 2019


ARS19 –  Seventh International Workshop on Social Network Analysis

Vietri sul Mare (SA) - October, 29-31 2019


The Modern Drivers of Firm Performance: Intangibles and Connections

Trento - December 13-14, 2018


StaTalk on New Challenges in Official Statistics

Roma - November 9, 2018

Convegno in onore dell'economista ebreo lughese Gustavo Del Vecchio

Lugo di Romagna (RA) - October 10, 2018

The Economy as a Spatial Complex System (ESCoS 2018)

 Napoli - June 21-22, 2018


Rethinking Clusters: Critical Issues and New Trajectories of Cluster Research

Firenze - May, 3-4 2018


 Milano - May 2-3-4, 2018


XV EAAE Congress – Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society

Parma - August 29–September 1, 2017


World Finance Conference

Cagliari - July, 26-28 2017


ARS17 –  Sixth International Workshop on Social Network Analysis

Napoli - May, 16-17 2017


Critical Economics Summit

Bologna - May, 5-7 2017


Fifth IAERE Annual Conference

Roma - February, 16-17 2017



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