Giovedì 22 Ottobre 2009
Banca d'Italia Via Nazionale, 91 - Roma
Venerdì 23-Sabato 24 Ottobre 2009
LUISS Guido Carli Viale Pola, 12 - Roma
Banca d'Italia, Via Nazionale 91
Ore 16:30
Saluti - Terenzio Cozzi, Presidente della Società Italiana degli Economisti
Ore 16:40
Introduzione ai lavori - Mario Draghi, Governatore della Banca d’Italia
Ore 17:10
Animal Spirits and Monetary Policy, Paul De Grauwe
Ore 18:10
Gli economisti italiani e l’economia internazionale nel novecento, Marcello De Cecco
Ore 19:10
LUISS Guido Carli, Viale Pola 12
Ore 8:30
Registrazione dei partecipanti
Ore 9:00
Saluti e Introduzione ai lavori
Ore 09:30
Riflessioni sulla politica economica dopo la crisi, Giancarlo Corsetti
Ore 10:30
Pausa caffè
Ore 10:45
ECONOMIC CRISIS: OUTCOMES AND PROSPECTS (sessione organizzata in collaborazione con la STOREP) - Coordina e discute: Alessandro Roncaglia - Aula Magna
- Dalla crisi finanziaria alla crisi valutaria? Quali prospettive?, Pietro Alessandrini e Michele Fratianni
- Quali strumenti per evitare una crisi finanziaria di natura sistemica?, Mario Sarcinelli •Incominciamo a parlare della prossima crisi, Mario Tonveronachi
GROWTH I - Coordinano e discutono: Luca De Benedictis e Neri Salvadori - Aula A210
- Regional Economic Growth and Inequality in India During Pre-and Post-Reform Periods, Madhusudan Ghosh
- Channels of Transmission of Inequality to Growth: A Survey of the Theory and Evidence from a Portuguese Perspective, Adelaide P.S. Duarte e Marta C.N. Simões
- Structural Change and Growth: the Role of Public Investments, Giulia Felice
- A Growth Model with Time Allocation and Social Participation, Thomas Bassetti e Donata Favaro
MACROECONOMICS I. MONEY AND MONETARY POLICY - Coordinano e discutono: Fabrizio Mattesini e Salvatore Nisticò - Aula A118
- Public Debt, Distortionary Taxation, and Monetary Policy, Alessandro Piergallini e Giorgio Rodano
- Inflation Targets, Endogenous Mark-ups and the Non-Vertical Phillips Curve, Nicola Acocella, Giovanni Di Bartolomeo e Patrizio Tirelli
- Uncertainty and Transparency of Monetary Policy, Giorgio Di Giorgio e Guido Traficante
- Money, Liquidity and the Equilibrium Interest Rate, Alessandro Marchesiani e Pietro Senesi
AUCTIONS AND INFORMATION - Coordinano e discutono: Roberto Cellini e Salvatore Piccolo - Aula A214
- The Strategic and Social Power of Signal Acquisition, Anna Maria C. Menichini e Peter J. Simmons
- English Auctions Vs Posted Price Selling: the Case of the Average Common Value, Fanny Sabarit
- Learning Fairness Equilibria, Luciano Andreozzi
- Read my Lips: the Role of Information Transmission in Multilateral Reforms Design, Axel Dreher, Silvia Marchesi e Laura Sabani
EMPIRICAL ISSUES - Coordinano e discutono: Stefano Fachin e Andrea Gerali - Aula A209
- On the International Transmission of Productivity Shocks, Daniela Buscaglia
- Information Combination and Forecast (st)ability. Evidence from Vintages of Time-Series Data, Carlo Altavilla e Matteo Ciccarelli
- The Exchange Rate, Employment and Hours: What Firm-Level Data Say, Francesco Nucci e Alberto Franco Pozzolo
- Model Validation in the DSGE Approach: A Survey, Alessia Paccagnini
REGIONAL POLICIES - Coordinano e discutono: Adriano Giannola e Domenico Scalera - Aula Giornalismo
- Policies for Local Development: an Evaluation of Italy’s “Patti Territoriali”, Antonio Accetturo e Guido De Blasio
- Evidence on Waste Generation and Landfill Diversion in Italy, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Anna Montini e Francesco Nicolli
- Total Factor Productivity, Intangible Assets and Spatial Dependence in the European Regions, Barbara Dettori, Emanuela Marrocu e Raffaele Paci
- Decentralizing Central Targets: Empirical Evidence from Italy, Maria Alessandra Antonelli e Veronica Grembi
EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS I. PREFERENCES - Coordinano e discutono: Luigi Mittone e Luca Stanca - Aula A116
- Social Preferences, Intentions and Empathy. An Experiment with Normally Developing and Autistic Spectrum Disorders Subjects, Iosetto Doneddu, Roberta Fadda, Andrea Isoni e Vittorio Pelligra
Suit the Action to the Word, the Word to the Action: Eliciting Motives for Trust and Reciprocity by Attitudinal and Behavioural Measures, Francesco Farina, Niall O’Higgins e Patrizia Sbriglia
Inferring Social Preferences over Income Distributions Through Axioms, John Hey e Carmen Pasca
Construction of Time Preference: an Investigation of the Role of Elicitation Method in Experimental Elicitation of Time Preference, Oksana Tokarchuk
ENERGY I - Coordinano e discutono: Carlo Andrea Bollino e Alessandro Lanza - Aula A215
- Increasing Market Interconnection: An Analysis of the Italian Electricity Spot Market, Federico Boffa, Viswanath Pingali e Davide Vannoni
- A Time Series Analysis of Day-Ahead Prices on the Italian Power Exchange, Andrea Petrella e Sandro Sapio
- Emissions Trends and Labour Productivity Dynamics. Sector Analyses of De-coupling/Recoupling on a 1990-2006 NAMEA, Giovanni Marin e Massimiliano Mazzanti
- A Panel Data Analysis of Domestic Electric Consumption in a Mediterranean Region, Vania Statzu e Elisabetta Strazzera
POLITICAL COMPETITION AND VOTING RULES - Coordinano e discutono: Debora Di Gioacchino e Alessandro Petretto - Aula MTB
- The Political Competition-Economic Performance Puzzle: Evidence from the OECD Countries and the Italian Regions, Fabio Padovano e Roberto Ricciuti
- The Empirics of the Median Voter: Democracy, Redistribution and the Role of the Middle Class,Francesco Scervini
- Can Gender Quotas Break Down Negative Stereotypes? Evidence from Changes in Electoral Rules, Maria De Paola, Rosetta Lombardo e Vincenzo Scoppa
- Gender Quotas in Italy. A Random Utility Model of Voting Behaviour, Genny Bonomi, Giorgio Brosio e Maria Laura Di Tommaso
Ore 13:00
Ore 14:15
Assemblea Annuale dei Soci
Ore 15:15
PROCUREMENT - Coordinano e discutono: Nicola Dimitri e Gustavo Piga - Aula A116
- Contracts as Threats: on a Rationale for Rewarding A while Hoping for B, Elisabetta Iossa e Giancarlo Spagnolo
- “It is Never too Late”: Optimal Penalty for Investment Delay in Italian Public Procurement Contracts, Chiara D’Alpaos, Michele Moretto, Paola Valbonesi e Sergio Vergalli
- Political Longevity and Collusion in Public Procurement, Decio Coviello e Stefano Gagliarducci
- Lowest Unique Bid Auctions with Signals, Andrea Gallice
POVERTY AND INEQUALITY - Coordinano e discutono: Leonardo Becchetti e Marco Malgarini - Aula Magna
- Poverty Dynamics in the Enlarged Europe: a Comparative Analysis of Determinants of Individuals’ and Households’ Movements, Veronica Polin e Michele Raitano
- Inequality Decompositions – A Reconciliation, Frank A. Cowell e Carlo V. Fiorio
- Poverty Rankings of Opportunity Profiles, Vito Peragine, Ernesto Savaglio e Stefano Vannucci
- Impact Analysis, Multiplier Decomposition and Income Distribution in a Sam Framework: a New Approach Applied to Vietnam, Marisa Civardi, Rosaria Vega Pansini e Renata Targetti Lenti
BANKING - Coordinano e discutono: Gabriella Chiesa e Loriana Pelizzon - Aula A118
- To Acquire, or to Compete? An Entry Dilemma, Jean J. Gabszewicz, Didier Laussel e Ornella Tarola
- A Dynamic Model of Competition in Retail Banking, Barbara Chizzolini
- Financial Intermediation, Competition, and Risk: A General Equilibrium Exposition, Gianni De Nicolò e Marcella Lucchetta
- Bank Risk and Monetary Policy, Yener Altunbas, Leonardo Gambacorta e David Marques-Ibàñez
FAMILY AND ASSET ALLOCATION - Coordinano e discutono: Giampietro Cipriani e Francesco Nucci - Aula A209
- Portfolio choices, gender and marital status, Graziella Bertocchi, Marianna Brunetti e Costanza Torricelli
- Asymmetries and Interdependencies in Time Use between Italian Spouses, Anna Laura Mancini e Silvia Pasqua
- Marital Fertility and Exogenous Constraints on Child Quality, Matteo Colombo
LEARNING GROUP MEMBERSHIPS AND FILE-SHARING - Coordinano e discutono: Daniela Di Cagno e Donata Favaro - Aula A214
- An Experimental Investigation on Learning and Context Effects, Angela Ambrosino, Chiara Chelini, Marco Novarese, Anna Spada e Carla Trigona
- Group Membership, Team Preferences, and Expectations, Francesco Guala, Luigi Mittone e Matteo Ploner
- Industry and Welfare Effects of File-Sharing: a Theoretical Analysis, Antonio Minniti e Cecilia Vergari
REGULATION - Coordinano e discutono: Andrea Pezzoli e Alberto Franco Pozzolo - Aula MTB
- On the Assessment of Regulators’ Efficiency: an Application to European Telecommunications, Paolo Lupi, Fabio Manenti, Antonio Scialà e Cristiano Varin
- Central Banks as Political Players, Giovanni B. Pittaluga e Elena Seghezza
- Do Selection Mechanisms and Ownership Matter? Evidence from Local Public Transport in Europe, Andrea Boitani, Marcella Nicolini e Carlo Scarpa
- Capital Structure and Regulation: Do Ownership and Regulatory Independence Matter?,Bernardo Bortolotti, Carlo Cambini, Laura Rondi e Yossi Spiegel
HEALTH ECONOMICS - Coordinano e discutono: Giuliano Masiero e Franco Peracchi - Aula A210
- Who is Responsible for you Health: it’s you, your Doctor or new Technologies?, Vincenzo Atella e Francesco D’Amico
- International Cooperation in Pharmaceutical Research, Anna Rita Bennato e Laura Magazzini
- Entry in Pharmaceutical Submarkets: a Bayesian Panel Probit Analysis, Gianni Amisano e Maria Letizia Giorgetti
- Pharmaceutical Industry, Drug Quality and Regulation. Evidence from US and Italy, Vincenzo Atella, Jay Bhattacharya e Lorenzo Carbonari
ENERGY II - Coordinano e discutono: Francesco Gullì e Ignazio Musu - Aula A215
- The Long-Run Dynamics of Carbon-Income Relationships. Leaders and Laggards and Path-Breaking Time Related (Policy) Events, Massimiliano Mazzanti e Antonio Musolesi
- Public Policies for a Sustainable Energy Sector: Regulation, Diversity and Foresting of Innovation, Valeria Costantini e Francesco Crespi
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Energy System: are Current Trends Sustainable?, Simone Borghesi e Alessandro Vercelli
- Foreign Influence and the Africa-China Trade in Natural Resources, Roberto Bonfatti
TRADE - Coordinano e discutono: Davide Castellani e Rodolfo Helg - Aula Giornalismo
- The World Trade Network, Luca De Benedictis e Lucia Tajoli
- The Impact of European Union Agricultural Preferences, Maria Cipollina e Luca Salvatici
- The Role of Quality Ladders in a Ricardian Model of Trade with Nonhomothetic Preferences, Esteban Jaimovich e Vincenzo Merella
- Trade Costs and Economic Development, Michele Fratianni e Francesco Marchionne
Ore 17:30
Pausa Caffè
SESSIONE PLENARIA - Aula Magna Mario Arcelli
Ore 17:45
Criteri di valutazione della ricerca e riforma universitaria, Relazioni di Roberto Artoni e Maria Paola Potestio
Ore 18:30
Ore 20:30
Cena Sociale
LUISS Guido Carli, Viale Pola 12
Ore 9:00
EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS I. NETWORK FORMATION AND PUBLIC GOODS - Coordinano e discutono: John Hey e Patrizia Sbriglia - Aula A104
- Experiments with the Traveler’s Dilemma: Welfare, Strategic Choice and Implicit Collusion, Kaushik Basu, Leonardo Becchetti e Luca Stanca
- Is a Public Goods Experiment Like Fight Club? Strategic Interaction and the Crowding-out Effect on Altruism, Antonio Filippin e Manuela Raimondi
- Strategies in Social Network Formation, Anna Conte, Daniela Di Cagno e Emanuela Sciubba
- Contributions to Public Goods under Uncertainty: Insights from a VCM Experiment, Carmela Di Mauro e Massimo Finocchiaro Castro
UNIVERSITY I. THE ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY - Coordinano e discutono: Maria Paola Potestio e Paola Valbonesi - Aula Magna
- Scientific Productivity and Academic Promotion: A Study on French and Italian Physicists, Francesco Lissoni, Jacques Mairesse, Fabio Montobbio e Michele Pezzoni
- Peso alle citazioni o pesi alla numerosità? La valutazione degli economisti accademici italiani, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo e Giulia Zacchia
- Public Funding and Efficiency of Italian Universities, Tommaso Agasisti e Giuseppe Catalano
- Italian Economic Journals. A Network-based Ranking and an Exploratory Analysis of their Influence on Setting International Professional Standards, Alberto Baccini
INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS I - Coordinano e discutono: Michele Grillo e Pier Angelo Mori (da confermare) - Aula A210
- How the Presence of a Competitive Fringe Affects the Risk of Collective Dominance and Collusion Sustainability, Carlo Capuano
- Bertrand-Edgeworth Games under Oligopoly with a Complete Characterization for the Triopoly, Massimo A. De Francesco e Neri Salvadori
- The Coexistence of Mass and Elite Media in the Market for News, Maria Rosa Battaggion e Alessandro Vaglio
- Strategic Investment in Merchant Transmission: the Impact of Capacity Utilization Rules, Federico Boffa e Francesca Sala
LAW AND COURTS - Coordinano e discutono: Daniela Marchesi e Antonio Nicita - Aula A113
- Better that X Guilty Persons Escape than that One Innocent Suffer, Matteo Rizzolli e Margherita Saraceno
- Career Concerns and Excessive Signalling in Courts, Giuliana Palumbo e Enrico Sette
- Too Many Lawyers? Litigation in Italian Civil Courts, Amanda Carmignani e Silvia Giacomelli
- Production of Laws and Delays in Court Decisions, Giuseppe Di Vita
REGIONS PUBLIC GOODS AND SPILLOVERS - Coordinano e discutono: Massimo Marrelli e Alessandro Sterlacchini - Aula A108
- Is Agglomeration Really Good for Growth? Global Efficiency, Interregional Equity and Uneven Growth, Fabio Cerina e Francesco Mureddu
- Is Competition for FDI Bad for Regional Welfare?, Oscar Amerighi e Giuseppe De Feo
- Public Provision of Private Goods in a Nonlinear Income Taxation Model with Heterogeneity in Needs, Spencer Bastani, Sören Blomquist e Luca Micheletto
- Local Spillovers, Production Technology and the Choice to Make and/or Buy: Empirical Evidence from Emilia Romagna Mechanical Industry, Roberto Antonietti, Maria Rosaria Ferrante e Riccardo Leoncini
GROWTH II - Coordinano e discutono: Renato Balducci e Alessandro Sembenelli - Aula A105
- Taking Parameter Heterogeneity Seriously: Human Capital, Rules and Economic Development, Leonardo Becchetti e Giovanni Trovato
- Schumpeterian Growth Model with Heterogeneous Firms, Antonio Minniti, Carmelo Pierpaolo Parello e Paul S. Segerstrom
- Technology Shape, Distance to Frontier, or Frontier Shift? Modeling the Determinants of TFP Growth, Camilla Mastromarco e Angelo Zago
- Labor Income Taxation, Human Capital and Growth: the Role of Child Care, Alessandra Casarico e Alessandro Sommacal
LABOUR MARKET AND UNEMPLOYMENT - Coordinano e discutono: Giorgio Calcagnini e Giorgio Rodano - Aula A116
- Labour Market Imperfections, International Integration and Selection, Catia Montagna e Antonella Nocco
- Capital Mobility and Unemployment Dynamics: Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries, Giovanna Vallanti
- Rational Expectations and the Puzzling No-Effect of the Minimum Wage, Sara Pinoli
- Shifting Correlation Patterns and Changes in the Structure of Labor Compensation, Francesco Nucci e Marianna Riggi
HISTORY OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS - Coordinano e discutono: Roberto Marchionatti e Gennaro Zezza - Aula A107
- Per un ritorno ai fondamentali: il pensiero di Fausto Vicarelli sui nessi finance-growth ed efficiency-stability del sistema finanziario, Giuseppe Garofalo e Claudio Gnesutta
- Modigliani’s Contribution to the “Carnegie Agenda”, Antonella Rancan
- The Two Triangles: What Did Wicksell and Keynes Know about Macroeconomics that Modern Economists do not (Consider)?, Roberto Tamborini, Hans-Michael Trautwein e Ronny Mazzocchi
- Measuring Productivity Increase by Long-Run Prices: the Early Analyses of G.R. Porter and R. Giffen, Arrigo Opocher
LOCAL FINANCE AND FEDERALISM - Coordinano e discutono: Massimo Bordignon e Domenico Depalo - Aula A209
- Fiscal Decentralization and Spending Efficiency of Local Governments. An Empirical Investigation on a Sample of Italian Municipalities, Lorenzo Boetti, Massimiliano Piacenza e Gilberto Turati
- What Happens to Interregional Redistribution as Decentralisation Goes on? Evidence from the Italian NHS, Caterina Ferrario e Alberto Zanardi
- Assessing the Efficiency of Local Government in Italy: Do Spatial Externalities Matter?, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Gianfranco Di Vaio e Paolo Polinori
How Sticky are Local Expenditures in Italy? Assessing the Relevance of the Flypaper Effect Through Municipal Data, Elena Gennari e Giovanna Messina
EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL CHOICES - Coordinano e discutono: Andrea Cutillo e Maria De Paola - Aula A118
- Inflows and Outflows from the Teachers’ Profession in Italy, Gianna Barbieri, Piero Esposito e Paolo Sestito
- Entrepreneurship and Market Size. The Case of Young College Graduates in Italy, Sabrina Di Addario e Daniela Vuri
- Female Education and Employment, Alessandra Casarico e Paola Profeta
MACROECONOMICS II. FINANCIAL MARKETS - Coordinano e discutono: Leonardo Gambacorta e Paolo Manasse - Aula A101
- Lending Relationships and Monetary Policy, Yunus Aksoy, Henrique S. Basso e Javier Coto-Martinez
- International Portfolio Allocation under Model Uncertainty, Pierpaolo Benigno e Salvatore Nisticò
- Credit and Banking in a DSGE Model, Andrea Gerali, Stefano Neri, Luca Sessa, Federico M. Signoretti
- Sovering Risk Premia, Nicola Borri e Adrien Verdelhan
MACROECONOMICS III. PRICE SHOCKS AND VOLATILITY - Coordinano e discutono: Carlo Altavilla e Riccardo Fiorito - Aula A208
- EMU and the Adjustment to Asymmetric Shocks: the Case of Italy, Gianni Amisano e Livio Stracca
- Oil Price Shocks: Demand vs Supply in a Two-Country Model, Alessia Campolmi
- Development, Growth and Volatility, Alessio Moro
- Housing and the Macroeconomy: the Italian Case, Guido Bulligan
Ore 11:15
Pausa Caffè
SESSIONE PLENARIA - Aula Magna Mario Arcelli
Ore 11:45
Green Economy: grande speranza o grande illusione?, Ignazio Musu
Ore 12:45
Ore 14:00
CORRUPTION - Coordinano e discutono: Alfredo Del Monte ed Elisabetta Iossa - A116
- Do “Clean Hands” Ensure Healthy Growth? Theory and Practice in the Battle Against Corruption, RaffaellaCoppier,MauroCostantinieGustavoPiga
- A Multilevel Analysis on the Economic Impact of Public Infrastructure and Corruption on Italian Regions, Gianpiero Torrisi
- Accomplice-Witnesses and Organized Crime: Theory and Evidence from Italy, Antonio Acconcia, Giovanni Immordino, Salvatore Piccolo e Patrick Rey
- Weak Institutions and Credit Availability: the Impact of Crime on Bank Loans, Emilia Bonaccorsi di Patti
INNOVATION, SPILLOVERS AND THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION - Coordinano e discutono: Francesco Lissoni e Andrea F. Presbitero - Aula A108
- La delega dell’autorità decisionale nelle imprese Open Source. Un’analisi empirica, Massimo G. Colombo, Evila Piva e Cristina Rossi Lamastra
- On Indirect Trade-Related R&D Spillovers: the Role of the International Trade Network, Chiara Franco, Sandro Montresor e Giuseppe Vittucci Marzetti
- The Effects of FDI on Corporate Geography, Rita Cappariello, Stefano Federico e Roberta Zizza
- Does ICT Investment Spur or Hamper Offshoring? Empirical Evidence from Microdata, Luigi Benfratello, Tiziano Razzolini e Alessandro Sembenelli
UNIVERSITY II. DEMAND AND SUPPLY - Coordinano e discutono: Antonio Accetturo e Riccardo Martina - Aula Magna
- La domanda di formazione universitaria in Italia, Gianni Pitti, Vito Pipitone, Giovanni Fulantelli e Mario Allegra
- Pochi e poco utilizzati? L’overeducation dei laureati italiani, Maurizio Franzini e Michele Raitano
- TheDesignoftheUniversitySystem, GianniDeFrajaePaolaValbonesi
- Competition between State Universities, Lisa Grazzini, Annalisa Luporini e Alessandro Petretto
GENDER. CAPABILITIES AND WORK DISCRIMINATION - Coordinano e discutono: Maria Laura Di Tommaso e Maria Cristina Marcuzzo - Aula A101
- Gender, Money and Capabilities, Elisabetta Addis
- Discriminating Factors of Women’s Employment: A Historical View, Angela Cipollone e Carlo D’Ippoliti
- What Does the Stork Bring to Women’s Working Career?, Lia Pacelli, Silvia Pasqua e Claudia Villosio
- Money, Work, Bodies, and Caring Relationships: a Theoretical Puzzle, Antonella Picchio
FINANCIAL CRISIS - Coordinano e discutono: Michele Fratianni e Marcello Messori - Aula A118
- Crises and Hedge Fund Risk, Monica Billio, Mila Getmansky e Loriana Pelizzon
- Credit Risk Transfer and the Default Risk of Large Complex Financial Institutions, Giovanni Calice, Christos Ioannidis e Julian Williams
- The Functioning of the European Interbank Market During the 2007-08 Financial Turmoil, Silvia Gabrieli
- The Current Crisis Through the Lens of a New “New Cambridge” Model, Gennaro Zezza
COMPETITION AND SOCIAL CAPITAL - Coordinano e discutono: Fabio Sabatini e Francesco Silva - Aula A210
- The 60es Turnaround as a Test on the Causal Relationship between Socialibility and Happiness, Leonardo Becchetti, Elena Giachin Ricca e Alessandra Pelloni
- Gli economisti e la cooperazione, Antonio Magliulo
- The Relationship between Competition and Trust. An Essay in an Historical and Theoretical Perspective, Sergio Beraldo e Gilberto Turati
- Capitale sociale “robusto”, Damiano Fiorillo
FIRMS: THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL ISSUES - Coordinano e discutono: Laura Rondi e Davide Vannoni - Aula A208
- Firm Size and Performance. Are Family Firms Different?, Marco Cucculelli e Francesco Marchionne
- Cooperative Firms as a New Production Mode, Bruno Jossa
- A Traditional Profit Maximizing Producer and CSR, Leonardo Becchetti, Luisa Giallonardo e Maria Elisabetta Tessitore
- Local Financial Development and SMEs Capital Structure. An Empirical Investigation, Mariarosaria Agostino, Maurizio La Rocca, Tiziana La Rocca e Francesco Trivieri
HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONS - Coordinano e discutono: Francesco Farina e Pierluigi Porta - Aula A113
- Micro-Founded Institutions and Macro-Founded Individuals: the Dual Nature of Profit, Alberto Battistini
- The Politics of Social Protection: Social Expenditure versus Markets’ Regulation, Debora Di Gioacchino e Laura Sabani
- Cronache economiche di un trentennio. Lo sviluppo dell’economia italiana 1881-1913 nell’interpretazione di Luigi Einaudi e la sua Scuola, Francesco Cassata e Roberto Marchionatti
- Economia, Finanza, Etica: aspetti “di fondo” e la “crisi” attuale, Ferruccio Marzano
MARKETS AND SOCIAL DEPRIVATION - Coordinano e discutono: Luca Salvatici e Annamaria Simonazzi - Aula A104
- Real Depreciations, Fiscal Adjustment and Social Pacts: Open versus Less Open Economies, Benedicta Marzinotto
- Food Prices and Overweight Patterns in Italy, Luca Pieroni
- Are Temporary Jobs a Port of Entry into Permanent Employment? Evidence from Matched
- Employer-Employee Data, Fabio Berton, Francesco Devicienti e Lia Pacelli
- Dimmi dove vivi e ti dirò come stai: povertà, disagio sociale e risultati di salute in Italia, Marcel Bilger e Vincenzo Carrieri
COGNITIVE ECONOMICS - Coordinano e discutono: Luigi Marengo e Stefano Vannucci - Aula A209
- Economia e psicologia. Un’applicazione ai processi di cambiamento, Roberta Patalano
- Deflating Bayesianism, Marco Dardi
- Cooperation with Time-Inconsistency, Nicola Dimitri
- L’incertezza oltre le regole: evoluzione e prevedibilità individuale e sociale, Marco Novarese e Anna Spada
INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS II - Coordinano e discutono: Piero Tedeschi e Alessandro Vaglio - Aula A107
- Hybrid Licensing of Product Innovations, Franco Cugno e Elisabetta Ottoz
- Efficiency Gains and Mergers, Giuseppe De Feo
- Modelling Public R&D Cofinancing within a Principal-Agent Framework. The Case of an Italian Region, Roberto Esposti e Valentina Cristiana Materia
CONSUMPTION AND HOUSEHOLD DECISIONS - Coordinano e discutono: Graziella Bertocchi e Giovanni Mastrobuoni - Aula A105
- Coresidence in Europe: Gender and Country Differences, Maria Concetta Chiuri e Daniela Del Boca
- The Effects of Household Financial and Real Wealth on Consumption: New Evidence from OECD Countries, Riccardo De Bonis e Andrea Silvestrini
- Demographics and Life-Cycle Consumption, Charles Grant
Ore 16:15
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