1 | Giangrande Nicolò | Three essays on the Italian economic decline: a Kaleckian-Kaldorian theoretical perspective | Università del Salento | |
2 | Rossetto Francesco | Essays on the Italian Electricity Market | Università di Verona | |
3 | Romeo Domenica | Three Essays on Experimental Health Economics | Univesità Mediterrranea di Reggio Calabria | |
4 | Denti Daria | Essays on the Economic Geography of Oppressive Violent Deviant Behaviours | Gran Sasso Science Institute | |
5 | Grabner Simone Maria | Regional Resilience and Diversification. Three Essays on the Role of Local Industries Structures | Gran Sasso Science Institute | |
6 | Florio Erminia | Essays in the Economics of Immigration | Università di Roma Tor Vergata | |
7 | Fanghella Valeria | Promoting energy conservation and environmental protection with behavioral economics: Theory and evidence | Università di Trento | |
8 | Nalli Federica | Three Essays on We-Rationality | Università Lumsa | |
9 | Garcia Alvarado Fernando | Computational Models of Tax Evasion with Heterogeneous Agents | Università di Venezia Cà Foscari | |
10 | Caloia Francesco Giuseppe | Micro Effects of Macro Policies | Università di Venezia Cà Foscari | |
11 | Bonacini Luca | The cornerstone of individuals' progression: Rethinking the education after the COVID-19 pandemic | Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia | |
12 | Boscolo Stefano | On the Redistributive Effect of the Erosion of the PIT Base: The Case of Italy | Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia | |
13 | Fareri Silvia | The Human Side of Digital Revolution: Text Mining Tools to Face Industry 4.0 Phenomenon | Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia | |
14 | Compagnucci Lorenzo | The Third Mission of the University and the Development of the Territory: Collaborative Approaches to Foster Innovation and the Impact of European Projects | Università di Macerata | |
15 | Salvatori Chiara | Misure del PIL potenziale in diversi contesti teorici | Università Roma Tre | |
16 | Romaniello Davide | L’isteresi nella disoccupazione e il ruolo della disoccupazione di lunga durata quale causa delle rigidità salariali: un approccio critico | Università Roma Tre | |
17 | Vaquero Piñeiro Cristina | Place-of-origin bias: essays on the role of territorial factors for economic development and agri-food production systems | Università Roma Tre | |
18 | Cerruti Gianluca | Essays in Applied Economics | Università di Genova | |
19 | Giribone Pier Giuseppe | Mathematical Modeling in Quantitative Finance and Computational Economics | Università di Genova | |
20 | Fraccaroli Nicolò | Essays in Political Economy and Central Banking | Università di Roma Tor Vergata | |
21 | Antonelli Chiara | Essays on the impacts of climate shocks on rural activities in Uganda | Università di Roma Tor Vergata | |
22 | De Cristofaro Fabiana | Exercises in comparative economic policy: three papers | Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa | |
23 | Pallante Gianluca | Three Essays on Macroeconomic Policy | Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa | |
24 | Iodice Irene | Three essays on firms in international markets | Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa | |
25 | Bargagli Stoffi Falco Joannes | Essays on Applied Machine Learning | IMT Alti Studi Lucca | |
26 | Abhishek Samantray | Collective Behaviour in Digital Societies | IMT Alti Studi Lucca | |
27 | Tortú Costanza | Essays on Causal Inference and Complex Networks | IMT Alti Studi Lucca | |
28 | Canessa Eugenia | Migration and female labour supply as shock coping strategies after economic crises and natural disasters | Università di Firenze | |
29 | Mazzoni Leonardo | Essays on the role of relatedness and entrepreneurship within Smart Specialisation Strategy. Evidence from Italy with a focus on Tuscany | Università di Firenze | |
30 | Vannelli Giulio | Economic development in a globalized world: the role of Global Value Chains - Three essays on implications and opportunities for North Africa | Università di Firenze | |
31 | Anzolin Guendalina | Technology adoption and the organization of production. The case of digital production technologies | Università di Urbino | |
32 | Bellocchi Alessandro | Three essays on income distribution and economic growth | Università di Urbino | |
33 | Ribaudo Dalila | Transportation Infrastructures, Location and Productivity. A micro-geography approach | Università di Urbino | |
34 | Gravina Antonio Francesco | Essays on Inequality, Automation and Globalisation | Università di Messina | |
35 | Algeri Carmelo | Four Essays on Spatial Dependence Effects of Local Banks | Università di Messina | |
36 | Lacava Demetrio | Stock Market Volatility and ECB's Unconventional Monetary Policies | Università di Messina | |
37 | Clementi Enrico | The Influence of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Environmental Certifications Towards Green Innovation Paths: Empirical Evidence from Italian Manufacturing Industries | Università della Tuscia |